Project Description
Structured Decision Making Training for Northern Land Managers
Since the signing of the Northwest Territories Devolution Agreement, the GNWT has been responsible for the land and resources responsibilities. The newly formed Department of Lands has a mandate to manage, administer, and plan for the sustainable use of public land in the Northwest Territories in a fair and transparent manner that reflects the interests of the people of the Northwest Territories. Key principles include commitments to ensure that decisions about public land take into consideration ecological, social, cultural, recreational, and economic values, and that decisions are made in an effective and accountable manner.
To support them in this mandate, Compass delivered a two-day course in structured decision making to twenty participants from a range of departments. The course covered setting objectives, developing performance measures, generating alternatives, estimating consequences and uncertainties, and exploring trade-offs. The training focused on methods that could be applied without specialized training, and addressed northern priorities such as the integration of traditional knowledge with science, and working within the co-management regime.
Related Projects: The North, Structured Decision Making, Forests and Lands