Project Description
Township of Langley Water Management Plan
In the Township of Langley, groundwater supplies 80% of residential, agricultural, industrial and commercial water demand from some of the most heavily used and threatened aquifers in the province. Compass was engaged to lead the development of the province’s first formal Water Management Plan(WMP) (under Part 4 of the Water Act) to address pressing groundwater issues in the Township. The purpose of the plan was to address current and future conflicts over water use and agree to a sustainable water management system that balanced the community’s environmental, social and financial interests.
Compass designed, facilitated and provided decision support to an interagency and public planning process to support the development of the WMP. The planning process involved a multi-stakeholder advisory committee, expert workshops, public open houses and surveys which allowed for the collection of input and integration of public values into decisions. We developed quantitative models to evaluate demand and supply side management options, as well as assessing the effectiveness of various regulatory, economic, and voluntary measures. As part of this work, we developed a monitoring program and implementation strategy. The planning process was carried out over a three-year period and consisted of two rounds of public consultation. The WMP was reviewed and approved by Council and submitted to the Minister of Environment.
Related Projects: Water, Stakeholder Facilitation