Stakeholder Facilitation

Designing and facilitating the kinds of processes that foster creative problem-solving, based on shared objectives, mutual learning about both facts and values, and mind-changing discussions about trade-offs and uncertainties.

Tiger Prey Augmentation Planning
dst spcs-rsk stk-fcl sdm
Nicola G2G Forum Facilitation
indg pln-plcy stk-fcl
Managing Invasive Non-Native Species
rsk stk-fcl sdm multi-att
Boreal Caribou Range Planning in NWT
cumultv-efct fish-wld frst-lnds spcs-rsk stk-fcl sdm nrth
Yellowknife Recreation Planning
frst-lnds indg stk-fcl sdm nrth
Port of Vancouver Terminal Expansion
cumultv-efct dst env-assmt ex-jgmt infr spcs-rsk stk-fcl twg water
BC Hydro Integrated Energy Plan
dst indg infr pln-plcy stk-fcl sdm multi-att
Province of BC Water Act Modernization
dst pln-plcy stk-fcl sdm water
Nicola Valley Water Management Plan
clmt indg infr stk-fcl sdm multi-att water
BC Water Use Planning Program
adapt-mgmt dst fish-wld indg infr spcs-rsk stk-fcl sdm twg multi-att water
Fish and Wildlife Compensation Plans
fish-wld indg stk-fcl twg water
Mount Robson Pest and Wildfire Risk Management
dst frst-lnds rsk stk-fcl sdm twg
Linear Disturbance and Access Management
clmt cumultv-efct fish-wld frst-lnds indg spcs-rsk stk-fcl sdm twg multi-att
Site C Technical Advisory Committee
cumultv-efct env-assmt fish-wld indg infr stk-fcl sdm twg water
City of Vancouver Coastal Flood Risk Assessment
adapt-mgmt clmt dst infr rsk stk-fcl twg water
Platte River Recovery Implementation Program
adapt-mgmt ex-jgmt fish-wld spcs-rsk stk-fcl sdm twg multi-att trns-bndry water
North Shore Waste Water Treatment Plant
infr stk-fcl sdm twg multi-att water
Missouri River Recovery Planning
adapt-mgmt cumultv-efct dst env-assmt ex-jgmt fish-wld infr spcs-rsk stk-fcl sdm twg trns-bndry water