Structured Decision Making

Compass is recognized internationally for applying practical decision analysis methods to the messy, multi-stakeholder world of resource and environmental management.

We’re particularly well known for using a Structured Decision Making (SDM) approach to help groups develop a shared understanding of the problem and work together on solutions that consider all of the values at stake, and all of the relevant evidence. At the core of SDM is the idea that it is possible to create a deliberative environment that deals rigorously with both facts and values in decision-making.

Participants in an SDM process collaboratively clarify the decision context, define objectives, develop creative alternatives, build predictive models, and explore hypotheses about cause and effect. They face key trade-offs and uncertainties openly and honestly, seeking agreement on the best way to balance human and ecological needs. Success is based on a commitment to mutual learning, both during the decision process itself and, often, through a formal adaptive management process.

In every case, we design our approach to suit the problem. A common feature of our services is the use of tailor-made, often interactive tools that help to build understanding, facilitate dialogue and provide insight to choices. These include:

  • Multi-attribute trade-off analysis
  • Modeling and decision support tools
  • Risk and uncertainty analysis
  • Adaptive management and monitoring