Project Description
Climate Action Planning for BC Ministry of Forests, Lands, and Natural Resource Operations – Integrating Climate Change Considerations into Operational Plans
The BC Ministry of Forests, Lands, and Natural Resource Operations (MFLNRO) released a Climate Change Strategy in 2015 to advance the integration of climate change adaptation and mitigation in program areas, operations, resource management decisions, and actions. The implementation of this strategy involved climate action planning (CAP) initiatives across all MFLNRO regions and branches. Each CAP assessed climate change impacts specific to the region or branch, and identified goals, objectives and actions for responding to climate change over the 2016-2020 time period.
Compass worked with MFLNRO to develop two CAPs – one for the Thompson/Okanagan Region and one for MFLNRO’s Recreation Sites and Trails Branch. Each CAP development process involved the engagement of regional staff to analyze the climate change risks to their business areas, document what is currently being done to address these risks and identify opportunities and challenges for further action. The Thompson/Okanagan Region CAP covered a wide breadth of topics for climate change adaptation actions including water, fish & aquatic ecosystems, wildlife, forests, grasslands, natural disaster management and public safety. The Recreation Sites and Trails (RST) Branch CAP identified adaptation actions in three business areas – user management, land management, and facility development.
Related Projects: Water, Fish and Wildlife, Climate, Forests and Lands, Public Policy
Project Details
- ClientBC Ministry of Forests, Lands, and Natural Resource Operations