Alan MacDougall

Alan uses clear thinking, analytical rigor and enthusiasm for collaboration and consensus to navigate complex environmental decision-making contexts. With a deep commitment to the protection of natural areas, he is particularly inspired by Indigenous-led conservation efforts.

He has extensive experience collaborating with Inuit and First Nations as well as NGOs, governments and industry. His work spans supporting the development of First Nation community-driven environmental management plans on unceded land to the establishment and implementation of co-governance frameworks for National Parks and marine conservation areas in Nunavut.

Alan holds a M.A.Sc. in Environmental Engineering from Queen’s University and currently lives in the Ottawa-Gatineau area.

What is something most people don’t know about you?
I was the shortest kid in Grade 9, maybe of all time.

What is one of your favourite bits of wisdom about decision-making?
Not making a decision is making a decision.

What do you do when unplugged from work?
Lots of meditating, playing music, running, and trying to convince my partner to go on hikes with me.

How did you come to work at Compass?
Probably the most useful literature review I’ve done + some courage to email my CV.

What is one of your favourite quotes?
“I would like to live how a river flows – surprised by its own unfolding” – John O’Donahue