Graham Long


Graham is a Principal at Compass with over 20 years’ experience helping corporations, governments and NGOs make important environmental policy decisions.

Graham offers particular expertise in facilitating and applying structured decision-making processes to multi-stakeholder consultation settings, and in developing sophisticated, custom-designed decision support tools using Excel, Visual Basic and any other widgets he can get hold of.

Graham holds an Engineering Doctorate (EngD) in Environmental Technology from Surrey University (UK) and a Bachelor of Engineering in Chemical Process Engineering from Aston University (UK). He’s also a UK Chartered Engineer.

How did you come to work at Compass?

It’s a long story involving Albert Camus, sustainability, and the bubonic plague.

What is something most people don’t know about you (but will now)?

Er…when I was young I got a karate black-belt and injured my left shoulder so badly my left arm is now 2-3 inches shorter than the right.

Describe what you do in five words or less.

I help make trade-offs explicit.

Why do you do what you do?

Because it’s the right thing.

What was your first job?

Shelf stacker in a supermarket. I earned one pound 17 pence per hour (with time + 1/5 when working nights over Christmas). [Editor’s note: Was this during Thatcher’s era by any chance?]

What do you do when unplugged from work?

I like to take photographs. [Editor’s note: Graham is an amazing photographer!]

What truly blows your mind?

How every now and then one tiny, apparently trivial decision can end up changing the course of your life.