
Assessing and prioritizing risks, including low probability-high consequence events, with a focus on how these analyses will support more informed policy and decision making.

Dry Creek Water Management Plan Options Analysis
env-assmt ex-jgmt rsk spcs-rsk sdm twg multi-att water
Expert Judgment for Greater Sage Grouse Releases
adapt-mgmt dst ex-jgmt rsk spcs-rsk twg
Managing Invasive Non-Native Species
rsk stk-fcl sdm multi-att
Mount Robson Pest and Wildfire Risk Management
dst frst-lnds rsk stk-fcl sdm twg
City of Vancouver Coastal Flood Risk Assessment
adapt-mgmt clmt dst infr rsk stk-fcl twg water
Pacific Walrus Decision Support
clmt dst ex-jgmt fish-wld indg rsk spcs-rsk twg nrth
Elk Valley Water Quality Plan
adapt-mgmt cumultv-efct env-assmt indg rsk stk-fcl twg trns-bndry water