
Supporting complex policy and investment decisions that balance fairness, sustainability, and system performance, and support integrated design across community, architectural and engineering dimensions.

Port of Vancouver Terminal Expansion
cumultv-efct dst env-assmt ex-jgmt infr spcs-rsk stk-fcl twg water
BC Hydro Integrated Energy Plan
dst indg infr pln-plcy stk-fcl sdm multi-att
Nicola Valley Water Management Plan
clmt indg infr stk-fcl sdm multi-att water
BC Water Use Planning Program
adapt-mgmt dst fish-wld indg infr spcs-rsk stk-fcl sdm twg multi-att water
Nunavut Community Climate Adaptation
adapt-mgmt clmt indg infr nrth
Site C Technical Advisory Committee
cumultv-efct env-assmt fish-wld indg infr stk-fcl sdm twg water
City of Vancouver Coastal Flood Risk Assessment
adapt-mgmt clmt dst infr rsk stk-fcl twg water
Greater Vancouver Transportation Planning
infr pln-plcy sdm multi-att
North Shore Waste Water Treatment Plant
infr stk-fcl sdm twg multi-att water
Missouri River Recovery Planning
adapt-mgmt cumultv-efct dst env-assmt ex-jgmt fish-wld infr spcs-rsk stk-fcl sdm twg trns-bndry water
Columbia River Treaty Review
dst fish-wld infr sdm trns-bndry water