Forests and Lands

Bringing a decision analysis lens to land use planning, including range plans, wildfire risk management, linear disturbance planning, parks and recreation plans.

Boreal Caribou Range Planning in NWT
cumultv-efct fish-wld frst-lnds spcs-rsk stk-fcl sdm nrth
Yellowknife Recreation Planning
frst-lnds indg stk-fcl sdm nrth
Mount Robson Pest and Wildfire Risk Management
dst frst-lnds rsk stk-fcl sdm twg
Linear Disturbance and Access Management
clmt cumultv-efct fish-wld frst-lnds indg spcs-rsk stk-fcl sdm twg multi-att
Climate Action Planning for BC
adapt-mgmt clmt fish-wld frst-lnds water
Bathurst Caribou Range Plan
clmt cumultv-efct fish-wld frst-lnds indg pln-plcy spcs-rsk stk-fcl sdm twg nrth trns-bndry