Adaptive Management

Integrating structured decision making and adaptive management methods to identify and prioritize the uncertainties that matter for decision making, and improve decision quality over time.

Expert Judgment for Greater Sage Grouse Releases
adapt-mgmt dst ex-jgmt rsk spcs-rsk twg
BC Water Use Planning Program
adapt-mgmt dst fish-wld indg infr spcs-rsk stk-fcl sdm twg multi-att water
Nunavut Community Climate Adaptation
adapt-mgmt clmt indg infr nrth
City of Vancouver Coastal Flood Risk Assessment
adapt-mgmt clmt dst infr rsk stk-fcl twg water
Platte River Recovery Implementation Program
adapt-mgmt ex-jgmt fish-wld spcs-rsk stk-fcl sdm twg multi-att trns-bndry water
Missouri River Recovery Planning
adapt-mgmt cumultv-efct dst env-assmt ex-jgmt fish-wld infr spcs-rsk stk-fcl sdm twg trns-bndry water
Metlakatla Cumulative Effects Management
adapt-mgmt cumultv-efct env-assmt fish-wld indg twg
Lower Athabasca Water Management Framework
adapt-mgmt clmt cumultv-efct dst fish-wld indg stk-fcl sdm twg water
Elk Valley Water Quality Plan
adapt-mgmt cumultv-efct env-assmt indg rsk stk-fcl twg trns-bndry water
Climate Action Planning for BC
adapt-mgmt clmt fish-wld frst-lnds water